
You’re probably already well-acquainted with coffee. But what is coffeeberry? It’s the fruit that grows around the coffee bean inside a coffeeberry plant. It’s also referred to as coffee cherries or coffee fruit.

While we use the coffee bean to make coffee, the coffeeberry is usually thrown away during the coffee bean extraction process. The coffee by-product is bad news for the ecology and economy of many countries since it becomes waste that needs managing.1 However, in recent years, there’s been growing interest in using coffeeberry to avoid the ecological impacts and for its potential health benefits. Coffeeberry is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and other bioactive compounds.2

Should you consider adding coffeeberry to your wellness stack? Learn all about coffeeberry, including coffeeberry benefits, the science behind coffee fruit, coffeeberry recipes and more.

What Is Coffeeberry?

Coffeeberry is a small, colorful fruit that holds the coffee bean inside. They change in color as they ripen, transitioning from green to shades of yellow, orange or red. Each berry contains two coffee beans encased in a layer of pulp. Coffee berries are typically found in clusters on the coffee plant and emit a pleasant, fruity aroma when ripe.

It’s popularity has been on the rise since scientific studies have begun validating its potential health benefits, such as its antioxidant properties. It is a functional ingredient that goes above providing basic nutrition and may help target specific health needs. Plus, using coffeeberry is good for the planet, since using the whole fruit means less waste.

Today, there are many coffeeberry products on the market, like extracts, supplements and drinks. But what type of benefits can you expect from coffeeberry? This powerful little fruit can do much more than give you a slight caffeine boost.

Coffeeberry Benefits

Scientific research on coffeeberry is fairly recent compared to what we know about coffee. There’s already growing evidence that it can offer many potential health benefits. Here are just a few examples of coffeeberry’s effects on your body and mind:

Supports Cognitive Health icon

Supports Cognitive Health

Coffeeberry is rich in antioxidants, including chlorogenic acids and polyphenols.3 These compounds help combat oxidative stress.

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar icon

Supports Healthy Blood Sugar

Coffeeberry may help reduce blood glucose levels through various mechanisms. This may include insulin sensitivity support and reduced glucose absorption.4

Supports Antioxidant Capacity icon

Supports Antioxidant Capacity

In a four-week study of college athletes, coffeeberry was found to slightly increase the athletes’ antioxidant capacity.5 A higher total antioxidant capacity may lower the risk of stroke, heart failure and inflammatory biomarkers.6

Supports Healthy Skin Aging icon

Supports Healthy Skin Aging

Antioxidants in topical coffeeberry may promote the production of collagen, a protein that maintains skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.7 Plus, its chlorogenic acids and polyphenols help neutralize free radicals that damage skin cells and accelerate the aging process.

Recent scientific studies continue to showcase exciting new ways coffeeberry can positively affect your health.

The Science-Backed Benefits of Coffeeberry

Learn more about the science-backed benefits of coffeeberry.


Coffeeberry supplements could support healthy adults in improving their working memory, according to a 42-day study from Canada.8 Participants not only showed improvements in memory, but also accuracy, concentration and focus compared to the placebo group. Coffeeberry could potentially be a great addition to help prevent cognitive decline for a better quality of life as we age.

Hair Health

Coffeeberry extract could also play a role in reducing hair loss, claims a recent clinical trial of 47 participants.9 The patients who used the coffeeberry hair tonic every day for 12 weeks showed a significant reduction in hair loss than those using the placebo tonic. The study suggests that coffeeberry could be used as an effective ingredient in anti-hair loss haircare products.


And finally, coffeeberry pulp juice could help support healthy cholesterol levels. In a 12-week study of 61 healthy participants, those who consumed 28 g/day of coffee pulp juice concentrate showed notably decreased cholesterol levels than those who drank the placebo.10 Not only that, but blood glucose levels went down as well. These results show potential in helping to treat and prevent certain health conditions linked to obesity and blood sugar issues.

This science-backed benefits of coffeeberry show that it is worth much more than a coffee waste product. Ongoing research studies continue to bring to light this fruit’s potential as a powerful ingredient in our diets. And that’s just one of the reasons we’ve decided to include it in our range of functional products.

The Bulletproof Approach to Coffeeberry

At Bulletproof, we examine peer-reviewed journals to inform our decisions on why we choose to include certain ingredients in our products. Using coffeeberry as an add-in to our products means we value its potential to optimize your wellness. Plus, we support the positive ecological impact of turning a waste product into an effective health product. It’s a win-win!

Get More from Coffeeberry

Unless you live in a coffee-producing country, coffeeberry is not necessarily a fruit that you can easily get your hands on. To make it easy for you to get coffeeberry benefits, we’ve included it in our coffee The High Achiever. This enhanced-coffee packs a punch in every cup with additions of coffeeberry, Lion’s Mane and B Vitamins. Brew a Bulletproof coffee and seize the day.

Like every ingredient we work with, we take care to carefully source and study what goes into our products. Plus, we adhere to an extensive testing process to make sure our products are effective and safe.

Our Supplement Testing Standard

We hold ourselves to the highest testing standards when it comes to sourcing ingredients and producing our products. We don’t leave anything to chance and base our decisions on scientific research and peer-reviewed journals.

All of our supplements go through a four-step testing process that’s carried out by third-party labs. The first step in testing involves looking at the identity of the ingredients to make sure they are not diluted. The second step examines the purity of the product to ensure there are no harmful contaminants. After that, researchers carry out strength tests to make sure the active ingredients match what’s stated on the label. And finally, the last step is composition testing to ensure the product meets all label specifications.

Although this testing process takes extra time, it means you can trust our products to be safe, effective and accurately labelled.

Ready to start cooking with coffeeberry? Check out our recipes below.


Where does coffeeberry come from?

Coffee plants are primarily cultivated in regions known as the “coffee belt,” which includes countries near the equator in Central and South America, Africa and parts of Asia. We source our coffee beans from Rainforest Alliance Farms which implement sustainable farming practices and ethical employment conditions.

Is coffee a fruit?

Yes, coffee is made from the seeds of a fruit called the coffee cherry or coffee fruit. The coffee bean is the seed inside this fruit and it is the part that is roasted and ground to make coffee. So, in a botanical sense, coffee is a fruit because it originates from the fruit of the coffee plant.

Does coffeeberry contain caffeine?

Yes, Coffeeberry naturally contains caffeine. The caffeine content in Coffeeberry can vary depending on factors like the plant variety, ripeness of the fruit and processing methods. Typically, the caffeine content in coffeeberry is lower than that of the coffee bean itself, but it is still present. As a result, products or supplements containing coffeeberry may have a mild caffeine content. Make sure to check the label.

What are the side effects of coffeeberry supplements?

The side effects of coffeeberry supplements are typically mild, primarily attributed to their caffeine content. Common side effects may include increased alertness and restlessness, particularly if you are sensitive to caffeine. Some people might experience digestive discomfort, such as upset stomach or acid reflux, with high doses of caffeine.11 Additionally, consuming coffeeberry supplements, especially in the evening, can lead to sleep disturbances or difficulty falling asleep, as caffeine affects sleep patterns.12 In some cases, excessive caffeine intake may exacerbate symptoms of anxiety. While rare, allergic reactions to coffeeberry are possible.

Are coffeeberry supplements safe for pregnant women?

Pregnant women should be cautious when considering the use of coffeeberry supplements due to their caffeine content. While moderate caffeine intake during pregnancy is generally considered safe, excessive caffeine consumption can pose risks.13 The caffeine content in coffeeberry supplements can vary, so it’s essential for pregnant women to be mindful of their overall caffeine intake from all sources, including coffee, tea and other caffeinated products. If you’re pregnant consult with a healthcare provider before using coffeeberry supplements during pregnancy to ensure that caffeine consumption remains within recommended limits and aligns with your individual health circumstances.

Does coffeeberry interact with medications?

Coffeeberry supplements are not widely known for interacting with medications. However, due to the caffeine content in coffeeberry, there is a potential for interactions, especially if you are taking medications that can be affected by caffeine. Caffeine can influence the way certain medications are metabolized in the body. Consult with your healthcare provider if you are taking any medications.

How is coffee fruit extract produced?

Once coffee cherries are ripe, they get harvested from coffee plants. Then, they are pulped to separate the outer pulp from the inner coffee beans. Next, the collected pulp undergoes a drying process to remove moisture. Once dried, it can be ground into a fine powder or further processed to create an extract. This extract is typically produced using methods like water extraction or ethanol extraction, which concentrate the bioactive compounds, including antioxidants.