Author: Kristi Pahr

Kristi Pahr is a long-time writer with an avid interest in nutrition and providing high-quality, healthy meals for her growing children. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Parents Magazine, Everyday Health, Fatherly, and many others. She and her family are building a small farm which will allow them to better control the sourcing of their food. When she's not writing or working on the farm, Kristi enjoys hiking and taking long drives down dirt roads in the middle of nowhere.

Two men boxing with a gym bag and tub of collagen in the foreground

9 Ways to Start Your Day With Sustained Energy

Think a mid-afternoon cup of coffee is necessary to make it through the end of the workday? Think again. By fueling your body and brain with the right nutrients and following a few energy-producing practices once you wake up, you can power through without reaching for that second (or third!)...

Man jogging outdoors

Is Beta-Alanine Worth It to Boost Muscle and Workout Performance?

Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey or you’re ready to level up your results, it’s only a matter of time before exercise supplements come onto your radar. Once you go beyond the basic proteins and hydration drinks, you’ll start looking into supplements that are more targeted to your goals....

Sad-looking man eating a salad.

7 Diet Trends to Ditch in the New Year

The new year is right around the corner, which means, by default, it’s time to think about a fresh start. While many people make resolutions to embrace new things (like giving early-morning workouts a try), the new year is a great time to ditch old habits, as well. Making changes...

A Thanksgiving turkey and accompanying side dishes

6 Ways to Boost Digestion—And Beat the Holiday Bloat

The holidays are just around the corner, and you know what that means… In addition to the seasonal cheer and comfort that comes from being around loved ones, there’ll be a ton of tempting food and treats! From cookies and brownies at the office to huge holiday meals with family...

Woman on couch with stomach ache.

6 of The Worst Foods for Gut Health

The wellness world has been abuzz over the gut microbiome for the last several years. This network of billions of bacteria found in the digestive tract has far-reaching impacts on our bodies. In fact, it can impact everything from skin health to immune function to mental health. There’s a constant...