Diet Tips

Food is fuel and a crucial part of overall wellness. So, we’ve created blogs to help you make informed decisions about what ends up on your plate. Including articles about the Bulletproof Diet, healthy eating, intermittent fasting, the Keto Diet, superfoods and weight management that are thoroughly researched and reviewed for scientific accuracy by Bulletproof’s staff naturopathic doctor.

Bowl of avocados cut in half

Should You Eat Avocado Seeds?

Avocados are a mainstay of the Bulletproof Diet because they provide you with plenty of monounsaturated fat, fiber, vitamins B6,...

Hand holding avocado sliced in half

How to Store Avocados: Everything You Need to Know (Plus Slicing Tips)

With an abundance of fiber, monounsaturated fats, and vitamins, avocados are the crown jewel of ketogenic diets. When they go...

Man pouring green tea into a mug.

What Are The Benefits Of Green Tea?

Green tea is well-known for being more than a comforting, caffeinated beverage. But what are the benefits of green tea...

Woman holding an avocado over her eye

5 Good Foods for Skin Health and Radiance

Who doesn’t want a youthful, radiant complexion? After all, it can be incredibly frustrating to deal with dry skin or...

Person pouring mineral water into glass

Is Mineral Water Good For You? The Benefits of Drinking Your Minerals

Is mineral water good for you? Good news: It might be one of the most underrated supplements out there. There...

Woman eating donut

The Effects of Sugar on the Brain (Trust Us, It’s Not Pretty)

Honey. High fructose corn syrup. Sucrose. Sugar comes in many different forms, from naturally occurring sugars in fruit to refined...

Celery juice and stalk

Celery Juice for Digestion and Bloat: Why Your Gut Loves This Green Juice

When it comes to home detox and laxative remedies, you may have heard celery juice as a top choice. After...

Man scooping Bulletproof coffee into press

10 Morning Routine Ideas to Level Up Your Day

When you start your day with a successful morning, you build momentum for the rest of the day. Although the...

a hand pours a scoop of unflavored collagen peptides into a clear mug of coffee

How To Find Your Ideal Protein Intake

All the praise protein receives is for good reason. Protein is one of the OG macronutrients. (Carbohydrates and fats are...

Person holding coffee beans

How to Choose Coffee Beans That Taste Delicious

Channeling your inner barista and making a fresh pot of coffee at home can be a great money-saving technique, but...

Various fired foods sitting atop a platter

6 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid and What to Eat Instead

What are inflammatory foods? We all know that some foods aren’t great for you. Unfortunately, the list of inflammatory foods...

Ketogenic diet foods laid out on a table

What is Metabolic Flexibility and How Can You Achieve It?

Being flexible comes in handy in all sorts of situations. Bad weather keeping you from your morning run outside? No...

Woman drinking beer

How Alcohol Affects Your Immune System and How to Bounce Back

Hitting up a happy hour or relaxing with an adult beverage at home is not an uncommon way for people...

Jar of coffee grounds next to rolled up white towel and coffee scrub mixure

10 Creative Ways to Repurpose Used Coffee Grounds for a Greener Lifestyle

Coffee grounds are more than just a byproduct of your morning brew–they’re a versatile resource with many surprising uses. Instead...

Tracy Block making Bulletproof Coffee

#BETHEPROOF: From Bakery Treats to Keto Eats—How Fat Became My Fuel

My earliest childhood food memories swirl with the scents of fresh-baked challah, babka and ruggelach from my family’s kosher bakery....

An overhead shot of someone baking with Bulletproof ingredients

Baking With Sugar Substitutes 101: Everything You Should Know

Baking with sugar substitutes isn’t as simple as using equal amounts in place of regular sugar. In fact, the standard...