Optimize Your Daily Routine: Habit Stacking & Combining Supplements

- Habit stacking involves stacking new habits onto existing rituals you already do.
- Learn how habit stacking streamlines your wellness routine with less mental effort.
- No matter how busy you are, a healthy lifestyle is possible. Try these habit-stacking tips on for size—one at a time to ease into it—and start feeling your best on the go.
Get eight hours of sleep every night. Start your day extra early. Exercise every day. You’ve likely heard and tried one (or all) of these life-enhancing tips. While each nugget of wellness wisdom boasts a myriad of benefits, the truth is that not everyone has the time or energy to cook a nutrient-rich meal or squeeze in daily HIIT sessions. And that’s okay.
That’s where habit stacking comes in. Habit stacking is when you combine two positive habits to help them stick better. Combining rituals is a great way to ensure you’re living a balanced, fulfilling life while still checking every box on your to-do list. Ahead, learn how to utilize habit stacking to build sustainable habits and maximize health benefits.
Drink More Water
Considering many Americans are not hydrating enough, you can probably use more water in your daily diet. Increasing your water intake has a positive impact on cognitive health, mood, weight management and regularity (hello daily dates with the squatty potty), among other things.[1]
How does habit stacking make H20 a habit? Simple—you use this formula created by BJ Fogg, author of Tiny Habits: “After/Before [Current Habit], I will [New Habit].” Using this formula, some habit-stacking examples include drinking 8oz of water while you journal in the morning or drinking a glass of water as soon as you get out of bed. Keep pairing these behaviors until they become automatic, and you and water will be BFF in no time.
Build a Supplement Stack
Transform your wellness routine by building a supplement stack. This is when you combine supplements that work synergistically to help you reach your desired goals. For example, a gut health stack could include prebiotics and probiotics. Our InnerFuel Prebiotic and Express 3-in-1 Probiotic are both powerhouses that boost digestive health.
Together they support the “good bacteria” that’s found in the gut microflora.[2] When the gut is healthy and balanced, your overall health follows suit. Other supplement stack ideas include a protein stack, a brain and mood stack and a sleep stack. You may want to speak to your healthcare provider beforehand to learn more about dosage, timing and potential interactions.
Recruit a Workout Buddy
We’re not just talking about someone to join you on serious sweat sessions. It can be as simple as finding a walking partner. It’s been proven that finding community—both in fitness and everyday life—is linked to improved stress levels and mood.[3] And don’t worry about reaching 10,000 steps. Whatever you can squeeze in, the better. Bonus points if you get your steps in on a sunny day. Soaking in some much-needed vitamin D after cold winter months is always preferred.
Pack Prep-Free Fuel
Good news: You don’t have to do habit stacking alone. By recruiting a workout buddy, you make building habits more attainable and fun. It’s been proven that finding community—both in fitness and everyday life—is linked to mood support.[4]
This can be as simple as finding a walking partner or someone to join that weekly Zumba class. Habit stacking with a friend doesn’t have to be in person, either. If you enjoy talking on the phone, pair it with a healthy habit, like 10 squats or checking in on your goals. Ex: “After I call [friend’s name], I will do 10 squats.”
Pack Prep-Free Fuel
When you’re always on the go, it can be tricky to stay on track with healthy eating. Thankfully, habit stacking gets you closer to your goals, not further away. Simply stack snack prep to an existing habit you do regularly. Wait for the coffee to brew every morning? Meal prep every Sunday? Unload the dishwasher every day? Tack the habit of healthy snack prep onto any one of these and you’ll be prepared for when hunger strikes.
For a quick, anytime snack that helps keep you satisfied while you tackle your tasks, reach for our Protein Crisp Bars. 11g of protein, 1g of sugar* and low-net-carbs, Protein Crisp Bars have creamy nut butter and crispy protein pieces for the perfect crunch. Plus, every bar is gluten- and dairy-free.
There are reported health benefits to writing your thoughts and goals down, including supporting blood pressure and mood.[5] Even so, many people struggle to make journaling a habit. One missed day of putting pen to paper may set off a domino effect of falling off track. Habit stacking is one way to rebuild.
Try and stack it with similar activities, such as after you peacefully pour a cup of tea, after you get out of a bubble bath and in the quiet moments before the kids come bustling through the door from school. Leaving your journal on your pillow after making your bed in the morning is a great way to create a cue. Also known as a trigger, a cue reminds your brain to do the habit. In this way, a journal on the pillow is a physical reminder to unwind with journaling before bed.
Meditation is a helpful skill that improves well-being, distress and stress.[6] But tapping into the many benefits requires consistent practice. This is where habit stacking becomes a mindful tool. You can stack it onto almost any existing habit. Some anchor ideas include brushing your teeth, getting dressed, making your bed and going on a walk outside.
Life can be chaotic, but habit stacking works with your busy days, easily and effectively. You “stack” a new habit onto an already-established habit, such as brushing your teeth or loading the dishwasher. By using habit stacking in your regular life, you ensure that you fit the wellness rituals that matter to you into your everyday routine.
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