Are there health benefits to getting enough sleep? How can I get enough sleep? What is enough sleep? Get the answers to all your questions, so you can wake up on the right side of the bed, feeling refreshed and recharged.

What is Yoga Nidra and can it replace a full night’s sleep?
There’s no substitute for a full night’s sleep, but there is a particular combination of meditation and yoga that comes close: yoga nidra. Yoga and meditation experts believe that one 30-minute practice of yoga nidra can be very restful for those who have trouble sleeping. While more conclusive studies are...

Why Is Sleep Important? Benefits Of Getting Enough Rest
Sleep is one of the pillars of high performance. Your whole body runs better after a good night’s sleep, and considering that struggles with occasional insomnia are common, it’s worth your time to learn how to improve your sleep so you get the most restorative rest possible. The benefits of...

Top Supplements for Stress
In addition to quality sleep, fueling up with nutritious foods and exercising, there’s another tool in the self-care toolbox that can help fight daily stress: supplements. They provide an extra dose of calm by filling in any nutritional gaps left behind from our diets. From familiar ones like vitamin C...

Your Guide to Light Therapy for Better Energy, Sleep and Mood
Light isn’t just good for your plants—it’s also good for your cells. From red light to sunshine, light benefits your energy, skin, brain function and even sleep. The trick is getting enough of it, at the right time…especially if you live in a place where it isn’t perpetually sunny year-around....

How to Find Your Best Sleep Cycle: Polyphasic, Biphasic and Monophasic Sleep
When you think of getting a good night’s sleep, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Most of the conversation around proper sleep centers around the number of hours you’re getting (or not getting). But while logging eight hours of sleep every night might be a great fit for...

Stress and Sleeplessness: A Life Coach Unpacks the Issue—And How to Fix It
Ah, sleep. That blissful nightly reprieve from all things worrisome. That lovely, mysterious, and, for many, downright elusive mistress. However, stress and sleep can be an extremely toxic duo, which can ultimately impact our physical and mental health. For example, chronic under-sleeping has been linked to mood disorders, chronic health...

Can Collagen Help You Sleep Better?
Trying to hide a huge yawn on a work Zoom or struggling to stay focused at your kid’s soccer game is never fun. If you’re not getting enough quality sleep throughout the week, you may find yourself in these less-than-ideal situations on the regular. In addition to making simple lifestyle...

The Best Sleep Supplements and Practices for Quality Rest
If you want more energy, better focus and a foundation to feel your best all day long, go to sleep! Quality shut-eye literally affects everything from your mood to your energy levels. The problem is, a ton of factors can impact your sleep quality, from diet to stress. The best...

Melatonin for Sleep: Does it Work?
When you have low energy and feel groggy in the morning, consider taking melatonin for sleep. According to the CDC, more than a third of us in the United States aren’t getting enough quality sleep. Things in our everyday life, from stress and excess screen time to jet lag and...

13 Sleep Tips for When It’s Hot AF
Now that the hot weather is here, you might find that it’s hard to get a good night’s sleep. Heat can affect your sleep quality, as well as deliver all the health problems that sleep loss creates. Here’s what you should know about sleeping in a heatwave, plus tips to...

How to Sleep Better When You’re Traveling
Whether you’re camping, glamping or embarking on a road trip, getting to sleep iisn’t so easy when you’re away from home. Follow these tips to help you sleep better when you’re traveling and keep drowsy days to a minimum. There’s a trick to sleeping away from home Environment and routine...

How an Acupressure Mat Helps You Sleep Better
Can’t sleep? If counting sheep gives you a headache, try this sleep hack: lay on an acupressure mat. Similar to acupuncture, acupressure stimulates sensitive points along your back called meridians, which studies show can induce relaxation. That means you can finally drift off to dreamland and sleep more deeply. Here’s everything...

How to Reset Your Sleep Schedule When Your Routine Goes Out the Window
For many people, their sleep schedule depends on their daily routine. Enter: the need to reset your sleep schedule. To get quality sleep, you need to follow a regular cadence. If you’re wondering how to reset your sleep schedule for your body’s best sleep, read on. Your body wants a...

11 Relaxing Staycation Ideas for a Much-Needed Break
Summer travel may look different right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of your time at home. Now’s the time to turn “staying in” into a self-care staycation that helps you feel recharged, relaxed and centered — because you deserve some R&R. Here are some of...

How to Sleep Better and Manage Stress with Exercise
You’re in bed, staring up at the ceiling and wondering why you can’t fall asleep. The reality is, there are a lot of valid reasons to be stressed right now. Stress can keep you up at night, leaving you feeling anxious and tense. What are ways to relieve stress so...

6 Ways to Improve Sleep Using Food
Not only does the Bulletproof Diet help you feel more focused and energized, it also supports better sleep. That’s because eating more quality fats, managing inflammation and nourishing your body gets people much closer to where they need to be in terms of sleep quality and quantity. Here are the top...